Laurie, Berühmt, Person, Zeichnung, House, Greg


  • Von hochgeladen am 08.09.2010

    It's done!
    After I had finished the hair I finally lost every spark of motivation in working it over again, adding some more small details and correcting some mistake I've made. Maybe in the next few days/weeks I'll take the time...

    This one means a lot to me as it includes a lot of personal superlatives:
    -it took the most time to finish. I never even started paying attention to how long I sat down drawing
    -Before I started drawing I promised myself that this one would become the best drawing I've ever done and in my opinion I succeed. I'm very proud of the outcome and I'm confident, that everything is possible
    -It's also the biggest drawing I've ever done (size: see below)
    -Furthermore it's my most realistic (e.g. I used the circulism technique for the first time, to achieve a realistic skin texture) and has by far the longest "artist's comment"

    Some information about the drawing

    Size: A3 (~30cmx40cm or 11.7" × 16.5")
    Paper: Bristol Paper (about 300g/m² I think)
    time: eternity (honestly, I have NO idea biggrin.gif)
    Tools I used:
    -mechanical pencils 2B,HB,H (0,5 and 0,3)
    -graphit pencils and clutch pencils 4H,2H,H,HB,B,2B,3B,6B,8B
    -cotton pads/Q-tips/estomps for blending
    -3 sheets of copypaper to cover already finished (and unfinished) parts
    -normal and kneaded eraser and eraser stick
    -reference photo
    -Adobe Lightroom 3 to adjust the brightness and contrast to make the scanned version look more like the original drawing

    Yes, I'm a HUGE House MD fan!

    P.S.: Entschuldigt bitte, dass der Kommentar auf Englisch ist, aber um 3 Uhr Nachts habe ich keinen Nerv mehr,dass nochmal zu übersetzen^^

Titel Greg
Material, Technik Bleistiftzeichnung auf Bristolpapier
Format Din A3
Jahr, Ort 2010 Reichenschwand
Info 6091 33 26 7 4.8 von 6 - 35 Stimmen
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